Garvita Gulhati, India’s Water Girl, emerged as a 21-year-old changemaker and leader. “Why Waste?” founder, Garvita was driven by her deep concern over India’s water crisis in 2015. This visionary initiative was catalyzed by the startling fact that 14 million liters of water are wasted annually due to water left behind in restaurant glasses.
“I re-approached the problem of water being wasted in restaurants with the “GlassHalfFull” concept – looking at the water with a positive perspective.”
– Garvita Gulhati
Year | Events |
| Garvita and her team of ‘Waterpreneurs’ contacted over 500,000 restaurants across India. |
| She was honored as a ‘Global Change maker’, representing India among a select group of 60 social entrepreneurs and community activists worldwide. |
2019 | She secured a buy-in from the National Restaurant Association of India, which rolled out #GlassHalfFull. |
2020 | During the pandemic era, developed – Why Waste? App to spread awareness. |
2021 | Forbes recognized her as one of the youngest innovators in Asia under 30. |
2022 | Became a National Geographic Young Explorer. |
Garvita’s journey has been one of breaking boundaries and pursuing multiple passions. With an engineering degree, proficiency in fine arts, and training as a Kathak dancer, she exemplifies the fusion of creativity, science, and activism. Inspired by Indra Nooyi and Steve Jobs for Garvita Gulhati, water conservation is a life goal that drives her to change the world.
As she looks ahead, the ambitions of Garvita Gulhati, the water girl of India, remain boundless. Her relentless drive to address environmental issues and her dedication to youth empowerment highlight her as a beacon of hope for a more sustainable world.
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